
Adventure Alternatives is bound by the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) which are outlined in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). This policy outlines how Adventure Alternatives collects, uses, manages and discloses personal information.

Policy scope

This policy applies to employees, contractors, volunteers, visiting school teachers, students, parents and people visiting Adventure Alternatives property. This policy outlines how Adventure Alternatives collects, uses and discloses relevant information.

Policy Content

Purpose of Collection

Adventure Alternatives collects information so it can exercise its functions and activities and so it can fulfill its relevant duties and obligations in the delivery of school camps to our clients (schools). Adventure Alternatives collects and holds personal information, sensitive information and health information about students and teachers to look after Student and teacher wellbeing.

Type of Information

The specific types of information which is collected are:
• Name
• Birth date
• Emergency contact
• Medicare & Private Health Care
• Medical conditions (e.g. Asthma, allergies)
• Prescription medication
• Dietary conditions, including religious needs
• Swimming ability
• Mental or Physical disability and needs
• Behavior
• Images of individuals Collection

Adventure Alternatives collects information about an individual either directly by way of forms filled out by parents (care givers) or students and indirectly by collated summary spreadsheets provided by the school or organisation attending camp. Additional information may also be collected via face-to-face meetings and telephone calls with either parents, students, schools or organisations. In some circumstances Adventure Alternatives may be provided with personal information about an individual from a third party, for example a report provided by a medical professional. Collection of personal information from a third party will only be undertaken where it is reasonably necessary to fulfill and pursue a legitimate function of Adventure Alternatives.

Images of individuals may be taken whilst on camp for the purposes of a gift to the school or organisation, internal training of staff of Adventure Alternatives or marketing for Adventure Alternatives. All camp participants will be asked asked for media consent prior to any images being used by Adventure Alternatives for marketing purposes.

Information will be used and disclosed only for the purpose for which it was provided or a directly related purpose, unless you agree otherwise, or if the use or disclosure of the information is allowed by law.

Adventure Alternatives may disclose personal information held about an individual to:
• the school or organisation from which the individual belongs;
• medical practitioners;
• people providing services to Adventure Alternatives, including contractors;
• Parents;
• anyone the individual authorises Adventure Alternatives to disclose information to.


Adventure Alternatives treats marketing for the future growth and development of the organisation as an important part of ensuring the organisation continues to be a quality learning environment in which both students and staff thrive. Non-sensitive information held by Adventure Alternatives may be disclosed to a third party to assisting in marketing and be distributed to the greater community for its purpose. Marketing may consist of flyers, brochures, social media, websites etc.

Access to Information
Adventure Alternatives endeavours to ensure that the personal information it holds is accurate, complete and up-to-date at the time in which it is supplied for the purpose of attending camp with Adventure Alternatives within a 12 month period. Should a person seek to update their personal  information held by Adventure Alternatives for an up and coming camp within the 12 month period they may contact Adventure Alternatives at any time. At the completion of camp all personal, sensitive and health information regarding an individual is not
considered accurate, complete or up-to-date and therefore will not be used for any future camps for the individual. Images of individuals will be maintained for their purpose after camp.

Job Applicants, Staff Members, Volunteers and Contractors
Personal information of job applicants, staff members and contractors may be collected for Adventure Alternatives’s primary purpose of assessment of suitability for employment.

Further purposes for which Adventure Alternatives uses personal information of job applicants, staff
members and contractors include:
• in administering the individual’s employment or contract;
• for insurance purposes;
• in seeking funds and marketing for the College; and
• to satisfy the College’s legal obligations, for example, in relation to child protection legislation.

Making a Complaint
If you believe that Adventure Alternatives has breached the APPs and you would like to make a complaint please contact Adventure Alternatives. All complaints should be in writing and directed to the Director. Adventure Alternatives will investigate complaints in a timely manner and respond in writing.