We’re proud to be a small & independent Outdoor Education provider that delivers Adventures in nature, inspiring real connections.
We specialise in customizing programs with Schools, understanding the Why and How behind a great school camp and using our expertise to deliver excellent outcomes.
James has crazy socks but it’s the way he wears so many hats everyday that amazes us.
Managing the Operations team, designing programs, helping coordinators and of course keeping the site looking beautiful.
Justin can be found either developing new program locations or in the office juggling the booking calendar.
Finding and then sharing hidden gems on the Sunshine Coast is what makes him tick.
Our amazing chef Di, is dedicated to providing delicious & nutritious meals that also accommodate dietary needs.
Introducing students to the on-site animals and vegetable garden is always a highlight.
Jared. Our ‘Man with the plan’ can always be found offering help and guidance to the Logistics crew & Group Leaders.
He has a real gift at making everyone feel welcome.
Group Leaders. In Education, we all know that a fantastic teacher can have a major impact on a student’s journey.
It’s just the same for Outdoor Education and that’s why we’ve put together a fantastic team of Group Leaders that will inspire your students.